Frequently asked questions - the arbors
Who are the builders for The Arbors?
Two builders, Hooper Homes, LLC and Michael Allen, LLC
Who do I contact for additional information or to see the available lots and/or homes?
Joey Long of Real Estate Services in Auburn, AL: Contact Us or Email.
When did The Arbors start building?
The first home will be breaking ground in the late 2019.
How many lots are in The Arbors?
30 total lots at The Arbors with only a handful left as of 2Q21.
How far is The Arbors from Jordan-Hare Stadium on Auburn University's campus?
It is actually less than a mile - currently recorded as .9 miles from Auburn's Jordan-Hare Stadium!
Are there expansion plans once the original lots are sold?
Possibly. Right now, The Arbors consist of 30 lots. There is a possibility that eight (8) more lots will be added in the future.
Can I purchase a lot and wait a few years before building on it?
No. Depending on the lot location you choose, either Hooper Home or Michael Allen Homes will build your home.
From start to finish, what is the average length of time to complete a new home?
Approximately five (5) months but will depend on demand and the number of homes in front of your purchase.
Can I buy a lot and use my own builder?
No, the two builders own the lots and rights to build the four home designs chosen for The Arbors.